Rock'en Ray - Jingle It's Christmas Time
Jingle It's Christmas Time

The Rock'en Ray song, Jingle It's Christmas Time, is just a catchy Christmas song I wrote when I was young. It's based on my vision of Christmas. I grew up watching Christmas shows like Frosty the Snowman, Charlie Brown Christmas and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. As a child, these shows would add magic to Christmas that no candy or toy could ever bring. Year after year I'd look forward to watching Frosty the Snowman - even now, it's a classic and I enjoy watching it at least once during the Christmas season.

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The one thing I loved about Christmas was the chance it would snow. There is something magical about snow at Christmas. Watching the snow come down at Christmas was a memorable experience for me. However, building a snowman on Christmas day was the best.

But there is still one more thing about Christmas that makes everyone full of cheer and that's Santa and his sleigh - especially the bells on his sleigh. Thus, my song is based on the jingle we hear in a distance when Santa is near. That sound is magical to all, so that is what I based my song on. That and my love for beer.

Let's gather round, Drink some beer, Gotta love this time of year!

Jing, Jing, Jing, Jing, Jingle It's Christmas Time...

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